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Season of Creation
Pope Francis is encouraging parishes and schools to participate in a Season of Creation, commencing September 1 and ending October 4, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi.
We are called to prayer, reflection and action towards care of our common home, the planet Earth.
Dear Families,
I'm sure many of you are eagerly awaiting the Premier's planned announcent this Sunday outlining the next steps in combating COVID-19. After Sunday's announcement, we expect to receive detailed advice from Catholic Education about arrangements for the end of Term 3 and the commencement of Term 4. Please be assured we will communicate all relevent information to families as quickly as possible.
I continue to be incredibly proud of our staff and inspired by students and families as a result of the way everyone has responded to remote school and Stage 3 restrictions. Regardless of what the way forward looks like, I am confident that we will continue to step up and respond in a positive manner for the students and one and other.
Finally, a big SHOUT OUT to the dad's and grandad's out there - wishing you all a fantastic Father's Day on Sunday.
Take care and stay well,
Remote Schooling requires a different level of independence for students. When students are unsure of what is required, it may be they are not doing the following three things.
1. Read the planner/question/task
2. Watch the video
3. Make a start
If a student is unsure,
repeat 1 & 2 again and ask:
What am I being asked to do?
It might be helpful for families to have these three visible for students when they are completing their remote schoolwork.
All students should be learning from home during Stage 3 Restrictions. During remote school onsite supervision is available for students as per the guidelines. Families are reminded to only send students to school if it is absolutely necessary.
Families are asked to book students in via the form on the homepage of the website. Please be sure to book in well in advance (ideally a week) of your child attending.
Onsite Supervision - Remote Schooling Booking Form