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Dear Parent, Guardians and Carers,
At St Patrick’s we are committed to the care, safety and wellbeing of all children. Through the implementation of the Whole School Approach to Positive Support (WSAPBS), a structure and process is provided so that we can establish, action and maintain a positive social culture; teach the skills of behaviour; support wellbeing; and enhance academic outcomes. The WSAPBS facilitates a process that enables our school staff to work in collaboration to; identify agreed, consistent practices and behaviours that are lived by all, creating environments that are predictable and known, therefore providing safe learning spaces for all students and staff.
As a part of the WSAPBS we have established 3 School Wide Expectations of Safe, Respectful and Responsible, which are linked to our school vision and mission and are important for providing a common vision, language and experience for the entire school community. Our School Wide Expectations describe the general ways that all school community members (staff, students and parents) are expected to behave at all times.
Another important element of the WSAPBS is Consequences. A school wide approach to using consequences makes St Patrick’s a predictable, consistent, positive and safe environment. Consequences are outcomes that occur as a result of actions. Consequences can be used either to encourage the behaviour to occur again or to discourage the behaviour from occurring again. At St Patrick’s, consequences are logical; meaning that they directly relate to repairing the situation. It is important to note, that before using consequences, it is crucial that teaching, prompting and acknowledging expectations of behaviour has occurred. At St Patrick’s we use the T.R.E.E approach of Teach, Remind, Educate and Evaluate, when our School Wide Expectations have not been met.
If behaviour occurs that is not in line with the School Wide Expectations, then consequences may be required. . St Patrick’s utilises a ‘Consequences Framework’, which outlines the level of behaviour (reminder, minor or major), the possible consequences and the follow up teaching which is required.
The consequences framework provides consistency for staff and students when dealing with behaviour.
It is important to note that our consequences are not a punishment and our intention is to repair the relationship after an incident has occurred and teach the students a better way of dealing with this in the future.
‘Bullying’ is a term that is often referred to by students and parents when dealing with conflict in the school setting. It is important to understand what constitutes bullying. The graphic below, take from The Kids Helpline website, explains what bullying is in quite a simple way.
At times, students at St Patrick’s may be rude or mean to your child and we are regularly teaching and reminding all students about acceptable and unacceptable behaviours at school. I understand that being treated unkindly can be a concerning time for yourself and your child, and we don’t accept these behaviours, however rest assured that we follow up on all incidents and put things in place to support your child when required. When speaking with your child at home about incidents that may have occurred at school, your response and the language you use, plays a vital role in supporting them and ensuring that they can positively move forward after an unpleasant experience.
Our priority at St Patrick’s is to ensure that all students feel safe, respected and supported at school, and the WSAPBS provides the framework for this.
Kind regards,
This month on SchoolTV - Respectful Relationships
Fostering a nurturing environment of respectful relationships within your family holds the key to not only harmonious living, but also improved academic outcomes for your children. As parents and caregivers, embracing the art of teaching children about respect at a young age sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy interactions and empathetic understanding. It will help cultivate a positive environment where communication flourishes, conflicts are resolved constructively, and bonds are fortified.
Teaching children to respect themselves and others will open up avenues for both personal growth and academic achievement. Fostering an environment where respect is not just a word, but a practiced behaviour, will empower young people with essential life skills. Effective communication, active listening, and the art of compromise, will provide your child with a solid foundation that will transcend family interactions and help them collaborate effectively with peers, teachers and the broader community.
Equipping children with an understanding of healthy versus unhealthy relationships is an important aspect of their development. It will guide them to make informed choices, foster positive connections, and set boundaries that contribute to their emotional wellbeing. Understanding the nuances between healthy and unhealthy relationships provides children with the essential tools to navigate their social world, build self-esteem, and cultivate meaningful relationships.
In this edition of SchoolTV, learn how to empower young people in healthy interactions to embrace differences and forge connections that honour their self-worth. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to this month's edition
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Friday 25th August |
Wednesday 30th August |
Thursday 31st August |
Friday 1st September |
Wednesday 6th September |
Friday 8th September |
Friday 15th September |
Monday 2nd October |
Friday 6th October |
Tuesday 10th October |
Friday 20th October |
Coonawarra Farm Resort
Wednesday 25th October |
Friday 27th October |
Monday 6th November |
Tuesday 7th November |
Wednesday 8th November |
Thursday 9th November |
Friday 10th November |
Wednesday 15th November |
Friday 17th November |
Wednesday 22nd November |
9.00am - 11.00am |
Friday 24th November |
Monday 27th November |
Wednesday 29th November |
9.00am - 11.00am |
Wednesday 13th December |
Mass at 5.00pm (TBC) |
Sunday 10th December |
Friday 15th December |
Thank-you to all our families who have supported the Bookfair this week.
With your generosity, we are very fortunate to be able to purchase more books for the library.
We thank Sharon Carroll for organising this years Book fair and Parade.
Great job!
St Patrick’s recently held its annual athletics carnival at the Sale Little Athletics Track.
We were blessed with beautiful sunny weather throughout the day and the event was a highly successful one.
The students participated in many events throughout the day, including 100m, 200m, 800m, Hurdles, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Discus, Shot Put and Relay.
The overall results for the day were:
1 st – Ryan
2 nd – Brice
3 rd – MacKillop
This year’s Age Champion winners were:
12 & Under Boys – Sonny Johnson
12 & Under Girls – Ruby Mowat
11 & Under Boys – Cooper Marsden
11 & Under Girls – Tenesha Fieldsend
10 & Under Boys – Max Bartlett
10 & Under Girls – Isla Dorning
9 & Under Boys – Charlie McKinley
9 & Under Girls – Lara Thomas
A number of students progressed from our St Patrick's carnival to represent the school at the Heyfield and District carnival and the upcoming Wellington Division Athletics Carnival.
We wish our students best of luck for the next round of Athletics.
Thank-you to Mrs Laverty for co-ordinating these events.
Happy Birthday to the following students who celebrate
their birthday in the coming weeks:
Willow Fairless - 25th August
Elise Rowley - 25th August
Cody Williams - 26th August
Sonny Pendrick - 27th August
Fletcher Sandison - 28th August
Hunter Battley - 30th August
Lara Thomas - 2nd September
Lillian Dean - 5th September
Jak Moore - 5th September
Enjoy your day!!
Thank you to the St Patrick’s Parents & Friends group who have been planning and coordinating a variety of fundraising events.
It is great to have such an enthusiastic group supporting the school and raising much needed funds.
We sold 94 boxes during our recent Big Bear Donut fundraiser, raising $376.
We also had an additional donation of $20 from one family. Thank you to everyone that supported this fundraiser and I hope that you enjoyed the donuts as much as I did!
Today, the P&F ran our Term 3 Tuckshop day. This is always a really popular day and today was no exception with over 100 lunches being order. It is a huge role preparing and serving all these lunches, so thank you to the team of parent volunteers that helped make this a success again.
Next Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st August we have the Father’s Day Stall. The stall will be set up from 8:30am-9.00am and 3:15pm-4.00pm on each of these days. Please buy a $5, $10 or $15 voucher via CDFPay for your child to purchase some things for dad from the stall.
At this stage there are a few more activities being planned by the P&F for Term 4. The Disco will be held on Friday, 6th October. More details will come out about this before the end of the term.
A Colour Run is also being planned for later in the year. Please keep Friday 17th November from 4:30pm free so that you can all attend this fun event. More information will be provided closer to the date.
We appreciate everyone's support of these initiatives. Funds raised wiil be put to good use, purchasing sports equipment (school football jumpers and school netball dresses) and educational resources for the classroom.
Joel Brayshaw