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We must teach more by example than word.
Mary MacKillop 1867
Dear Families,
Despite the potential distraction of all things COVID-19, I have been incredibly impressed by our staff members' ability to maintain a strong focus on the learning and wellbeing of all students. At the end of Term 2, in response to remote school, we invested signficant time in looking closely at student learning in English (Literacy) and Maths (Numeracy). Teachers have used this information extensivley for planning and to inform the recent parent teacher phone calls.
Since the start of the term it is clear there is a focus from all staff to make the most of face to face learning. With the cancellation/postponement of extra curricular events the school calendar is clear and it is evident teachers and support staff are grabbing the opportunity to make the most of an increase in uninterrupted learning and teaching time with both hands.
Yesterday the Premier of Victoria announced further actions to stem the rate of coronavirus infection. One of these is the wearing of face coverings from midnight on Sunday. Full details about this were emailed to families yesterday and posted on Dojo. We would be grateful if families could spend time discussing the introduction of face coverings, including the requirement of staff at St. Patrick's to wear them. For some of our students this may be a cause for distraction or concern and making them fully aware of the reasons for face coverings will go a long way to alleviating these.
This week we have continued to experiment with holding school assembly and weekly Gospel via video conference. The students and staff leading these are doing a terrific job and they are running more smoothly each week.
Families who had enrolled their children in the parish sacrmental program for this year are asked to read the included announcement from the parish sacramental team.
Finally, a HUGE congratulations to the Foundation students who celebrated their 100th day at school today.
Have a great weekend.
3/4 RD Parent Teacher Phone Calls
The parent teacher phone calls for Mrs. Downes class have been rescheduled to next Wednesday 5th August and Thursday 6th August. Families will need to book in for these (apologies for the double handling).
Event code: pavse
47 Foster St, Sale, P O Box 183, Sale.
Parish Office: 51 44 4100 Fax: 51 432831
Very Reverend Peter Bickley
Dean St Mary’s Cathedral Sale
Assistant Priest: Fr Edwin
Saturday 5.30pm: St Mary’s Cathedral
Sunday 9.30am: St Mary’s Cathedral
Sunday 5.30pm St Mary’s Cathedral
Sunday 9.30am Stratford
(1st, and 5th Sunday)
Sunday 9.30am Briagolong (3rd Sunday)
Bookings are required for all Masses by ringing the Parish Office on 5144 4100.
In response to the Coronovirus Pandemic, St. Patrick's continues to implement a range of measures for the health and safety of the community.
They include:
- All staff will wear face coverings from Monday. Coverings are able to be removed when teaching students and/or when providing direct instruction to students.
- If a child (or staff member) is sick, stay home.
- If a student is being tested for COVID-19, their siblings should remain home also.
- Altered pick up and drop off arrangements will remain in place until further notice.
- Vistors to the school (including parents and contractors) are being kept to a minimum.
- Increased cleaning of the school will continue.
- Increased hygiene practices will continue.
- Excursions, camps and offsite activites are postponed until further notice.
We remind families that the health and wellbeing of all families is our primary concern and are grateful for the ongoing support of you all during this unprecedented time.
Parent Teacher Meeting Feedback
Due to COVID restrictions, this week's parent teacher meetings were held by phone. We are seeking family feedback about the experience. Please complete the below survey and let us know what you think.
Parent Teacher Feedback - July 2020
Happy Birthday to the following children who
celebrate their birthday in the coming week.
Marli Coney - 7th August
Cooper Dorning - 7th August
Logan Taylor - 8th August
Mila McLeod - 10th August