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Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers,
At St Patrick’s and across all Catholic Primary schools in the Diocese of Sale, we implement the Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support (WSAPBS). All members of the school community have a significant role to play in supporting a whole school approach to positive behaviour. Where all members work collaboratively, each child and young person has the opportunity to fully participate, engage in the process of schooling and become a successful learner.
The characteristics of a whole school positive behaviour approach include prevention, instruction, use of evidence-based practices, and utilising data for informed decision making. A positive behaviour approach supports teaching and learning environments so that the academic outcomes of students are maximised. The WSAPBS provides a structure and process for school communities to establish and maintain a positive social culture.
At St Patrick’s we have three school wide expectations; SAFE, RESPECTFUL and RESPONSIBLE. School Wide Expectations are a list of specific, positively stated behaviours that become the agreed way of operating within the school community (staff, students and parents). School Wide Expectations are linked to the mission and vision of the school. They are broadly stated, relate directly to skills, and apply to all people across all school settings. School Wide Expectations are important for providing a common vision, language and experience for the entire school community.
The WSAPBS does not provide a quick fix. We can’t MAKE students behave BUT we can create environments where they are more likely to behave positively. Behaviour is often directly related to the environment. The WSAPBS is grounded in Applied Behaviour Analysis and is focused on creating environments that are predictable and known and using valid and reliable behavioural data to make informed decisions. Our focus is on changing the environment in order to change the behaviour! This is a function-based approach.
If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach & provide learning opportunities.
If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach & provide learning opportunities.
If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach & provide learning opportunities.
If a person doesn’t know how to drive, we teach & provide learning opportunities.
If a student doesn’t know how to behave, we teach & provide learning opportunities.
At St Patrick's we have a standard of uniform of which members of our school community can be justifiably proud. It is an expection of parents and students that the correct uniform is worn.
Jewellery is not permitted except for small sleepers and studs. Extreme hair styles and hair colouring is not permitted. Long hair must be tied back off the face in school band colours.
Sports uniform is worn on Monday and Thursday only.
Out of uniform notes will be sent home if your child is wearing incorrect uniform without a note from parents.
BOYS WINTER UNIFORM - Long grey trousers
White shirt - long sleeve
School tie
School woollen jumper
Black leather school shoes or boots
Grey socks - above ankle
Hair ties - school colours only
BOYS SPORTS - Bottle green shorts or botte green tracksuit pants
School sport shirt
St Patrick's green fleece jumper
Sneakers - no skate or fashion shoes
White socks - above ankle - no labels or brands
GIRLS WINTER - Green box-pleated pinafore
Black tights or black socks ( to be worn with pinafore)
White shirt - long sleeve
School tie
School woollen jumper
Grey winter trousers - ( grey socks to be worn with
Black leather school shoes / T-Bar school shoes or
black leather lace up shoes
GIRLS SPORTS - Bottle green pleated netball skirt or bottle green
sports shorts/skorts/tracksuit pants. No Bike Shorts
St Patrick's green fleece jumper
White socks - no labels or brands
Sneakers - not skate or fashion shoes
Hair ties - school colours only
The soft shell jacket is permitted to be worn to and from school during inclement weather and for extra warmth.
St Patrick's have a second hand uniform shop, which is located in the school, where some uniform items can be pruchased.
Uniform can be purchased at JSM Embroidery & workwear - 71-73 Mcarthur St Sale.
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Friday 26th May |
Sunday 28th May |
Wednesday 31st May |
Thursday 1st June |
Friday 2nd June |
Thursday 8th June |
The Wedge - Performance |
Friday 9th June |
Monday 12th June |
Wednesday 14th June |
Friday 16th June |
Friday 23rd June |
Monday 10th July |
Friday 21st July |
Friday 28th July |
Friday 4th August |
Friday 11th August |
Monday 14th August |
Friday 1st September |
Friday 8th September |
Friday 15th September |
Monday 2nd October |
Friday 20th October |
Coonawarra Farm Resort
Monday 6th November |
Tuesday 7th November |
Wednesday 8th November |
Thursday 9th November |
Friday 10th November |
Friday 24th November |
Friday 15th December |
Reminder, please report your child's absence or late arrival via Parent Access Module (PAM).
The cut off time to report a student absence is before 9.30am.
It is the school's legal obligation to follow up all unreported absences.
Thank-you for your co-operation.
What's Happening at St Patrick's
Thirty-two students represented St Patricks Primary at the Heyfield and District Cross Country Carnival. Listed below are top 6 participants that will go on to represent the school at the Wellington Division Cross Country in Yarram. Well done to all participants, our school was the overall winner on the day with the most tallied points. Our U/12 boys putting on a great performance winning 1 through to 6.
A great team effort.
Once again St Patrick’s participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime. This wonderful initiative by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), promotes the enjoyment and value of reading and literacy. The book chosen each year is by an Australian
author and illustrator and this year’s book was ‘The Speedy Sloth’. The story was about a sloth who competes in a race and whilst coming last, feels like a winner for finishing and not giving up.
With over 2 million children participating last year, we are happy to be part of this popular event each year.
Sharon Carroll
Happy Birthday to the following students who celebrate
their birthday in the coming weeks:
Layla Richardson - 25th May
Jack Cartwright - 31st May
Koby Dorning - 5th June
Isla Dorning - 5th June
Summer Van Twest - 5th June
Jack Bartlett - 7th June
Have a great day!!
Hi all
Here is the parish bulletin for this weekend.
We have 24 candidates who will be confirmed by Bishop Greg at 9.30am Mass on Sunday.
If you are attending this Mass, there will be a celebration morning tea afterwards.
Please bring a plate to share if you can.
Have a lovely weekend and try to stay warm.
Regards, Clare O’Brien
Parish Secretary
(Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.15am to 3pm. The office may be closed between 12.30 & 1.30pm for lunch)
St Mary’s Cathedral Parish
47 Foster St (PO Box 183)
03 5144 4100