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Do not be hasty in judging one another.
Mary MacKillop 1878
Dear Families,
On behalf of the staff I want to thank all families for making themselves available for the parent teacher phone calls this week. We value this opportunity to connect with parents as demobnstrated by the time teachers spent preparing. Effective communication between school and home is important for student learning and wellbeing, and we are striving to maintain this despite the restrictions on families being onsite and able to meet face to face with staff. Please remember that Dojo messaging, email and the phone continue to be effective ways to get in touch with staff.
This week we welcomed Mrs. Emma Morrison to St. Patrick's staff. Emma is an experienced teacher who will work predominently with the Year 3-6 classes to support targeteded teaching and learning for all students. Welcome Emma!
Stay safe, stay well!
In response to the Coronovirus Pandemic, St. Patrick's continues to implement a range of measures for the health and safety of the community.
They include:
- All staff will wear face coverings from Monday. Coverings are able to be removed when teaching students and/or when providing direct instruction to students.
- If a child (or staff member) is sick, stay home.
- If a student is being tested for COVID-19, their siblings should remain home also.
- Altered pick up and drop off arrangements will remain in place until further notice.
- Vistors to the school (including parents and contractors) are being kept to a minimum.
- Increased cleaning of the school will continue.
- Increased hygiene practices will continue.
- Excursions, camps and offsite activites are postponed until further notice.
We remind families that the health and wellbeing of all families is our primary concern and are grateful for the ongoing support of you all during this unprecedented time.
St. Patrick's is committed to ongoing school improvement and the use of a range of evidence to inform decisions and actions. A large sample of families received a school improvement survey earlier this week. This is a genuine opportunity for you to provide feedback about school performance. The surveys are anonymous and can be completed in paper form or online. Families who receive a survey are asked to complete these by Friday 31st July. Paper copies can be returned to the front office sealed in the envelope provided.
It is important to note that staff and students also complete surveys and the information is utilised by both Catholic Education and school leadership to inform school improvement.
47 Foster St, Sale, P O Box 183, Sale.
Parish Office: 51 44 4100 Fax: 51 432831
Very Reverend Peter Bickley
Dean St Mary’s Cathedral Sale
Assistant Priest: Fr Edwin
Saturday 5.30pm: St Mary’s Cathedral
Sunday 9.30am: St Mary’s Cathedral
Sunday 5.30pm St Mary’s Cathedral
Sunday 9.30am Stratford
(1st, and 5th Sunday)
Sunday 9.30am Briagolong (3rd Sunday)
Bookings are required for all Masses by ringing the Parish Office on 5144 4100.
Happy Birthday to the following children who
celebrate their birthday in the coming week.
Marli Coney - 7th August
Cooper Dorning - 7th August
Logan Taylor - 8th August
Mila McLeod - 10th August
Parent Teacher Meeting Feedback
Due to COVID restrictions, this week's parent teacher meetings were held by phone. We are seeking family feedback about the experience. Please complete the below survey and let us know what you think.
Parent Teacher Feedback - July 2020
Please see the calendar included in the website to stay up to date with forthcoming events, including school closure days and term dates.
Please note:
- School Closure Day: Friday 21st August
- Buses are now running on Friday 28th August
Thanks to families who have found the Absence Notification on our website. This can be found on the home page.