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Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers,
What a big week it has been at St Patrick’s for many of our students! This week was Shakespeare performance week for our Grade 6 students, with performances on Tuesday, Wednesday and tonight. Preparing for the Shakespeare performance began with an initial meeting with the director Darren McCubbin on Wednesday 2nd February, day 3 of Term 1. The following Monday, the students were put through the audition process and their roles for the play were assigned. Since that point, the students have worked tirelessly to prepare for the performances. I attended the Grade 6’s first performance on Tuesday with the Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students and was amazed at the professionalism of the play. All the students did a fabulous job and the performance was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. I would like to thank the Grade 6 parents for their support of their child and allowing them to attend the after-school practices. I would also like to acknowledge the incredible work of Mrs Leila McDonald in supporting and preparing the students. She has gone above and beyond in making sure that the students were ready! I would also like to thank Mrs Madeleine Glenane for holding the fort back at school and working with the Grade 5 students while the Grade 6’s were practicing.
This week, the Grade 3 and 5 students have also participated in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). Across Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the students completed assessments in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy. The NAPLAN test results provide a snapshot of where each child sits in relation to others nationally, whilst also providing valuable information to us a school. The results of the NAPLAN tests will determine our teaching strengths and highlight areas that we can improve on. I would like to congratulate all of the Grade 3 and 5 students on their positive approach to the tests and for doing their best.
Open Days and 2023 Enrolments
St Patrick’s will be holding two Open Days on Wednesday, 25th and Thursday, 26th May from 9:00am to 11:00am. These Open Days are a great opportunity for us to welcome prospective families to St Patrick’s and showcase what a great school we are. On the Open Days, families will be greeted at the Merrick and Dixon Street gates and directed to the Library, where families will be asked to make an enrolment interview time. A short information session will take place at 9:00am before the Grade 6 students will show individual families around the school. If you have a child commencing at St Patrick’s in 2023 or know of anyone that is considering St Patrick’s for their child, please come along on one of these days. Enrolment forms need to be submitted by Tuesday, 31st May with the enrolment interviews held on Monday, 30th and Tuesday, 31st May.
Insight SRC and Catholic Identity and Religious Education Surveys
This week all families will have received an email regarding the Catholic Identity and Religious Education Parent Survey. Some parents will have also received an envelope tonight regarding the Insight SRC Survey. I understand that these surveys take time, however I encourage all parents to complete the allocated survey/s as they will provide important information to the school, enabling us to understand what you value and assist us with our plans for the future. Please complete the surveys as soon as possible as the surveys need to be completed by Friday, 20th May.
Volunteer Induction Sessions
Thank you to those parents that attended the Volunteer Induction Sessions last week. It was great to see a number of parents interested in supporting the school in a voluntary capacity. St Patrick’s often needs volunteers both in the classroom and for special events and we greatly appreciate your willingness to help out. If you were unable to attend one of the Induction Sessions but would like to be a registered volunteer, please contact the office.
SchoolTV is a wellbeing resources that provides St Patrick’s staff, students and families with an evidence-based resource to support responses to issues of wellbeing. SchoolTV provides an online platform to enable educators to feel more empowered to deal with mental, physical, social and emotional issues faced by young people. It is supported by leading experts, and provides resources that are designed to provide information and conversation guides for staff and parents.
To access the SchoolTV resource, please go to our school webpage at and click on the SchoolTV widget as seen below. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
School Closure Days
Just a reminder that we have two school closure days in the coming weeks for staff professional learning. Next Friday, 20th May and Friday, 10th June will be closure days for all students.
Kind regards,
Joel Brayshaw
St. Patrick's Primary School is part of the St. Mary's Cathedral Parish which encompasses Sale and the surrounding areas, including Stratford. Dean Peter Bickley is the Parish Priest and Fr. Jithin Anto is the Assistant Priest , and we are grateful for their ongoing prayers, involvement and support of the students, families and staff of the school.
For more information, including mass times and locations, please go to the below website link.
Congratuations to our Cross Country team who competed at HDSSA Cross Country last week. Goodluck to the students who are competing in the next round of Cross Country on Monday.
New bookclub catalogue is out now online via LOOP!!!! Paper catalogues will be out next week but cash orders will not be accepted.
Great early bird offer is available!
Thanks to families who purchase books through scholastic bookclub, the school has benefited with some fantastic classroom readers and story books for the library.
We thank Kayla Fischer for co-ordinating our Bookclub for our students and families.
St Patrick's school community offer our deepest sympathy to Jo, Darren, Cooper and Sophie Clutterbuck on the passing of Jo's mum. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
Our lost property bin is over-flowing. Please remind your children to check the lost property bin for lost items. (Located in MPR)
A reminder, to please label your child/ren's clothing..
It’s always a great surprise that hardly any of it has a name on/in it; such a simple solution to items finding their rightful owner. If you are serious about keeping track of belongings, please put a name on/in it.
Thank-you for your support.