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In the Eucharist, Jesus draws close to us. Let us not turn away from those around us, those who hunger for food and dignity, those without work, and those who struggle to carry on. Genuine closeness is needed, as are true bonds of solidarity.
Pope Francis 15/06/2020.
Dear Families,
Welcome to the first edition of the eNewsletter! We look forward to utilising this as a means of regular communication with families. The eNewsletter is linked with the website and will allow us to communicate a range of information in a more streamlined way in the future.
This week you would have received a letter of thanks from staff of St. Patrick's. This was a simple gesture initiated by the teaching staff as a way of acknowledging our gratitude for your support over the last couple of months. It is also a way for us to support a couple of local businesses impacted by the Coronavirus emergency.
One of the directives in place is for students (and staff) to stay home if they are unwell. It is a time of year when coughs and colds are normally ‘common place’ however in the current context such illnesses do require children to stay home. We know that this can be inconvenient for families and we thank you for your understanding.
The pick up and drop off measures in place are working well with students entering and exiting the school in a safe and orderly fashion. I must admit afternoon duty has a very different feel to it, especially walking out to the gate and not seeing groups of families socialising as they wait for their children. It is unclear how long these measures will be in place, hopefully not for too long as the social connection of parents is an important part of the school environment.
Students will receive their mid year report next week. As was communicated last week, the teacher's capacity to provide a comprehensive written report has been severely impacted by the emergency response to COVID-19. Reports will be sent home with students on Thursday.
Next Friday is the last day of Term 2. School finishes at 2.30pm, however there will be a staggered dismissal. Year Prep, One and Two students (and siblings) will be dismissed at 2.15pm and the remainder of the students will be dismissed at 2.30pm.
Have a great weekend,
St. Patrick's Enrolments: 2021
Enrolments for 2021 are now open. Please see the Enrolling Your Child page under the Parent tab on the website for more information.
Pick Up and Drop Off Reminders
Safety Reminders
Merrick Street: Families are asked to only park on the school side of Merrick Street at the front of the school. This is for the safety of students and adults.
Speed Limit: The speed limit around school at drop off and pick up times in 40kmh. Please slow down.
Drop off & Pick up Zones
Front of School ~ Merrick Street: Prep and Year 6 students (and siblings)
Main Gate ~ Dixon Street: All other students
Bus gate: ~ Blackburn Street: Bus travellers
Staggered Finish Times
3.15pm: Year P, 1 & students (and siblings)
3.30pm: All remaining students & bus travellers
Friday 26th June Finish Times
2.15pm: Year P, 1 & 2 students (and siblings)
2.30pm: All remaining students & bus travellers
Thanks to families who have found the Absence Notification on our website. This can be found on the home page.
The 2019 Annual Report to the School Community is now available from the school website.